Back To School Shopping in Barbados; Stores you should try!

back to school writing on chalkboard - back to school shoppingin barbados

Back-to-School Shopping in Barbados: Where you need to go!

With summer vacation fast approaching its end for the young minds and the new school term sneaking around the corner, the big question is no longer the hype of where to go for crop over. It’s “where do I go to find affordable uniforms and stationery for my kids?” 

Don’t worry! We got you covered! 

Class is in session!

Okay, now that I have your attention, let’s get into the thrifty spirit of stretching those last summer bills and getting the new school year going! Back-to-school shopping in Barbados is as easy as it is hard. Truth be told, there is no wrong way to go about shopping for the kids (or for yourself!) There are tons of stores you can find and all at a reasonably affordable cost! 

From finding those missing blue buttons at Sewing World for your niece’s blouse to fighting through the last-minute rush hoping that Sole Addiction might have that one pair of shoes you forgot were on the list and as you may have guessed, the list goes on!

So what are the big questions when shopping for back-to-school in Barbados? Well, you only need to answer four basic questions:

  • Where do I find an affordable pair of shoes?
  • Where can I get uniforms/fabric?
  • Where get affordable stationery in Barbados?
  • Where can I get Affordable Backpacks in Barbados?
photo of brown shoes - back to school shopping in barbados

Where do I find an affordable pair of Shoes?

Now we can all agree this is probably the biggest hurdle when back to school shopping in Barbados. Trust me when I say it’s a struggle for me, even as an adult. But Thankfully, there has been a surge of new storesin recent years in Barbados and finding both a fitted and affordable pair of shoes has become a little easier. So let’s start off our list!


With three branches including Sheraton Mall, Hastings Court, and Fairchild Street, you can bet your hat there’s a selection for you as well a good fit! With prices as low as BDS $50.00 (USD $25.00) and with the current buy one, get other at 1/2 Price special, you can definitely save on those back to school needs!

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