Best Yoga Studios in Barbados

Yoga is an exercise which has a very long and rich history. It is a spiritual practice used to induce complete harmony, strength and awareness in both the mental and physical state. There are many ways to practice yoga in Barbados. If you want to practice yoga in Barbados, you can choose to find online references. If you want to practice yoga in Barbados under professional guidance, you can visit one of the many yoga studios in Barbados. Yoga studios in Barbados offer both yoga and Pilates classes. Keep reading to learn more about yoga and yoga studios in Barbados.

History of Yoga

Yoga has been used as a spiritual practice and method of obtaining enlightenment for as far back as 10,000 years ago. However, scholars have gathered enough knowledge to separate the practice into four distinct periods of time.

Vedic Yoga (3000 – 4000 BCE)

This period of yoga history dates back to ancient India. The concept of joining the physical world with the spiritual world was a central focus of yoga in this period.

Pre-Classical Yoga (2500 – 100 BCE)

The beginning of this period is marked by the creation of the ancient Upanishads. This collection of texts gives many details about Brahman and the practice of yoga.

Classical Yoga (100 BCE – 500 AD)

This period of yoga is centred around the Yoga Sutras written by the sage Patanjali. He composed these Sutras based on Raja Yoga, an 8 step method of achieving transcendence and purification.

Post Classical Yoga (15th Century)

This period of yoga was focused on the creation of Hatha Yoga. Several texts on Hatha Yoga, such as Hatha Pradipika, undoubtedly became the most influential surviving pieces of texts.

Modern Yoga

Modern yoga has placed a large emphasis on yoga positions. Throughout modern yoga, there have been several popular yoga poses. Down below are several common yoga poses.

Mountain Pose

woman doing mountain yoga pose (yoga studios in Barbados)
Photo by <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscommarta waveutm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>Marta Wave<a><strong> from <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomphotofit woman doing tadasana exercise 6453400utm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>Pexels<a><strong>

Downward Facing Dog

woman doing downward dog yoga pose (yoga studios in Barbados)
Photo by <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomcottonbroutm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>cottonbro<a><strong> from <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomphotowoman girl morning sport 4056536utm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>Pexels<a><strong>

Upward Facing Dog

girl doing upward dog yoga pose
Photo by <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomgabby kutm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>Monstera<a><strong> from <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomphotofocused black girl stretching on rug 5063279utm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>Pexels<a><strong>

Tree Pose

man doing yoga tree pose
Photo by <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomshvets productionutm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>SHVETS production<a><strong> from <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomphotosmiling black man balancing on leg in studio 6974955utm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>Pexels<a><strong>

Lotus Pose

woman doing yoga lotus pose
Photo by <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomcottonbroutm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>cottonbro<a><strong> from <strong><a href=httpswwwpexelscomphotowoman meditating beside her dog 4056529utm content=attributionCopyTextutm medium=referralutm source=pexels>Pexels<a><strong>

Yoga Studios in Barbados

Yoga is a relaxing form of exercise which strengthens the mind and soothes the body. If you are interested in practising yoga in Barbados, there are many yoga studios in Barbados which you can visit. 

Sunshine Kula Yoga

This yoga studio offers classes for a wide variety of different yoga. These types of yoga include Core Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Gentle Yoga and Sun Salutation. 

The founder and principal teacher at Sunshine Kula Yoga is Pamela Harris. Having taught yoga for up to 20 years, this yoga instructor has several achievements under her belt. For example, she is a Certified Anusara Yoga teacher and an advanced teacher of Therapeutic Yoga. 

Pamela’s teachings aim to uplift her students and also help them achieve greater awareness and good alignment. She is mindful of health and safety and aims to keep her students happy.

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